Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Education Technology Revolution in K 12 Education

The Education Technology Revolution in K 12 Education 0SHARESShare The lack of strong evidences leads some educators to doubt the efficacy of incorporating educational technology and discard the urgency of investing in unproven strategies. In contrast, proponents of technology investments do not want to wait for any concrete research showing the progress and future commitment of educational technology. Here are the major benefits of educational technology when it is deliberately used in teaching and learning: Besides learning core academic subjects, integrating technology in instruction build the skills of 21st century. Educational technology engages students to create and publish their content in front of worldwide audience making school academics more relevant showcasing the high level of achievements. With no use of educational technology, school fails to provide sufficient access to extra study material, guidance from domain experts and absence of virtual communities like social media. Technology is used to provide solutions that help K-12, college/graduate level students under comprehensive learning environment that engage students regardless of intellectual ability, physical disability, social and economical background. Educational technology is one of the most effective strategies to decrease dropout rates especially among high school students. Technology helps online tutors to provide personalized just-in time support and help which is crucial service for under performing or physically disabled students. Use of technological tools, computer labs and visualization tools are essential for demand based learning in subjects like mathematics, science, engineering, technology and lots more. Online tutoring using internet accessible personal computers, laptops and mobile devices offers learning beyond traditional school hours and physical classrooms. Use of technology enables online tutoring services to access quality tutors who offer on-the-go, job-embedded professional development. Technology helps better communications with students and parents giving real-time guidance and feedback on the performance. Technology leveraged by online tutor gives the opportunity to prepare students with new kinds of skill sets that are in-demand in the growth of emerging industries. [starbox id=admin]

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