Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Best Apps For Personal Training

The Best Apps For Personal Training Exercise Apps: Better than a Personal Trainer? ChaptersThe Benefits of Using a Health App to Keep FitHealth and Fitness Apps: A Great Way to Collect Data and Track Your ProgressHealth and Fitness: 3 iPhone and iPad Apps on App StoreOur 4 Best Android Apps to Keep FitCan Fitness Apps and Personal Trainers Ever Work Together?Will There Ever Be an App to Replace Personal Trainers and Coaches?The worldwide development of e-health and health apps has helped to develop a flourishing new market. This improved, connected patient-physician relationship is generating billions of dollars worldwide, and still growing! The fitness world has invaded the Internet and of course there are now countless apps that purport to help you train.What are the best iPhone apps on the market in the field of health and fitness? What about Android? Is it possible to simulate a real personal training session?It is possible! Your smartphone or tablet can gradually become your personal trainer at home with the right apps.It’s a health and fitness revolution th at’s developing further and further every month. But will it ever be able to replace traditional personal training?We all use apps on a daily basis, for all sorts of purposes, such as Whatsapp, photo editing apps, Tinder, Happn, games, Shazam, Spotify, Messenger, to name a few.If searching for personal trainer near me fills you with dread, why not use apps to monitor and develop your health and fitness too?  go to the App Store to download new free sports coaching applications online.Bing Health Fitness is among the best iPhone apps for fitness, cardio training and well-being. This app offers you features which are also quite similar to the two previous apps we’ve seen: calorie counting, sleep and heart rate monitoring, blood pressure checker, speed calculation, GPS, distance tracker and a pedometer.But where this app is unique is in its nutrition tracker â€" you can log everything that you eat and check how many calories and grams of fat are present in what you’re eating, h elping you to stay healthy and disciplined.These apps are great for getting your fitness levels up and tracking your progress. Photo on VisualhuntOur 4 Best Android Apps to Keep FitIf you check out Google Play Store with your Android phone, you'll find lots of health and fitness apps for all kinds of exercises, training and nutrition. Among the best Android apps available, here are our 4 favourites. Runtastic Pedometer: free pocket fitness coaching!Runtastic is one of the best running apps out there and a fantastic way to really connect with your exercise, and a favourite among budding runners and athletes. This Android app allows you to track your activity and progress every day, from small to big efforts.With the right motivation, Runtastic will get you back into shape, help you stop smoking, encourage you really push yourself, provide you with personal training, monitor your sleep and help you lose weight.The World Health Organization recommends that you do 10,000 steps a day, so the incredible accuracy of Runtastic Pedometer allows you to start counting yours and helps you reach this goal.What’s even more impressive is that this app also offers analysis and other statistics to show you in detail how well you’re progressing and how you can improve. 5 Minute Home Workouts: fitness and muscle building at home5 Minute Home Workout is aimed, as the name indicates, at all those people lacking time to fit sports and exercise into their busy schedules. When your days are busy and hectic, you might find that you only have a few minutes to fit in a bit of exercise, which this app makes possible.The app lets you to start your fitness training through 12 sessions and 42 exercises that you can choose between, tackling abs, torso and arms, glutes and legs, and general weight-loss. There are also some yoga and pilates options for a gentler, toning session. It’s like having a mini gym in your pocket! Runtastic Push-ups: pure bodybuildingRuntastic has done it again â €" and this one is definitely among the best training apps we’ve found. Runtastic Push-ups is a program of intense muscle toning and muscle building, turning your phone into a free pocket-sized personal trainer.The app sensors count your every rep and movement, with an onscreen coach to encourage you and challenge you, helping you reach your goals! It’s the ideal app to keep your focused and disciplined. Seven: your daily physical activity in 7 minutes!You’ll probably know this feeling as well as the next person: waking up at the crack of dawn, the chaotic journey to work, an exhausting day at the office, and then doing it all over again.It’s difficult, in fact nearly impossible to find the time to enjoy a bit of sport or fit in a gym session, and by the time you’ve found a spare moment you just want to relax and put your feet up!Seven will offer you:Videos showing how to perform each fitness exercise to avoid mistakesVaried fitness, strengthening and stretching exercises to choose fromChallenges to motivate you every day: you win or lose hearts and unlock new exercises according to your attendance â€" you can even win trophies for your effort!Calorie counter and statistic charts showing your results and progressThat’s why Seven could be just the solution for you â€" an app specifically designed for busy people who are always on the go, who only have a few minutes to squeeze in an effective workout.Can Fitness Apps and Personal Trainers Ever Work Together?Some personal trainers and sports coaches will certainly tell you that fitness app and real-life personal training are not compatible. But we don’t think that’s necessarily the case when you take a step back to look at these two trends and analyse the needs of consumers.Lots of people take up a personal trainer to find the drive and motivation they need to exercise, which can’t always be found in a regular work out alone. For this reason, personal training can be the most effective way to im prove fitness and the most efficient use of money.Personal trainers are often out of peoples' budgets, but can be a great source of encouragement. Photo on VisualHuntHaving a personal trainer with the right experience and qualifications can result in the best progress and help you reach your goals. With the Internet becoming ever-more present in our lives, even personal coaches have started offering online classes through Skype or YouTube tutorials.However, for many people, a personal trainer is financially just not an option, and even finding the time to fit one in can be difficult. This is exactly why fitness apps are a great alternative, allowing you to work out whenever and wherever you like, and still focus on your specific problem areas.Let's not forget that free or paid applications such as the ones mentioned above can actually work alongside a personal trainer. They are ideal for setting goals, doing physical preparation and upkeep around your training sessions, and controll ing weight and muscle mass.Apps can be used whenever you have the time, so you can fit this kind of training into a busy schedule â€" and still enjoy your favourite fitness classes such as Zumba, yoga, pilates, ab workouts, etc.Will There Ever Be an App to Replace Personal Trainers and Coaches?It would take a lot longer to ever develop an app that would replace real-life personal training entirely.However, at the rate things are going these days, it’s unfortunately looking possible for sports educators with professional certificates to have fewer job prospects. Year after year we are becoming more and more connected, from phones to computers, bracelets to watches and even glasses…so why not our PT as well?But we think that there will always be people who prefer the aspect of human contact and communication that comes with a qualified personal trainer, the exchange element of the trainer-trainee relationship.Because, after all, training isn’t just about mindless activity, it’ s about physical education, learning about and taking care of our bodies, and adapting activity to reach personal goals.

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